Elements and principles of design

Types of lines. Curves. by sDeGently
A line is a straight  figure,
extending infinitely
in both directions. 
There are various types of lines.
(as shown in the picture)
A shape is a closed line, lines make 
shapes. A shape is a

Texture is a surface that you feel and touch.

There are different 


such as smooth,
rough, hard,
soft, jagged, and

Form is a two or three
dimensional shape
such as a cube, pyramid 
sphere, cone and a  cylinder

 Balance in art refers to the elements
( line , shape, form,

and texture etc.)

of how the piece of art
is arranged and designed.
Contrast art is the
arrangement of opposite

elements (light vs. dark colors, 

 large vs. small shapes,
 rough vs. smooth  textures,
 etc.) in a piece of art.
Movement shows actions

 happening in

the piece of art.

A artist

can use patterns 

with the use of colors,
 shapes, textures, lines
and etc.

Unity is the harmony

of the art piece and

it combines

everything together.

Emphasis is a focus point

that the artist wants you
 to pay attention to more,

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